Sunday, September 26, 2010

Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight

Stop Smoking Without Gaining Weight

Quitting smoking does lots of funny things to the body, and you might not even realize some of them are happening. Like, if you feel kind of weird 8 hours after your last cigarette, you’re probably not going to say to yourself, “Oh, that must be the carbon monoxide in my blood returning to normal levels.” Or, the next day, you’re probably not going to say, “This strange feeling in my chest must be my bronchial tubes relaxing!” No, these are stop smoking side effects that you have to deal with.

So what to expect when you quit smoking? Most of these things happen without your knowledge. And there are tons of them—mood changes, changes in your sleep patterns, adjustments to your circulation, and on and on. And then there are the changes to your appetite, taste buds, and nerve endings, which are what makes it so hard to quit smoking without gaining weight.

Sure, you might say, “I can quit smoking without gaining weight. I just won’t eat much, and I’ll exercise a lot.” But I’m afraid it’s a bit harder than that. Lots of people say the same thing as you, and they still end up gaining weight.

It’s because the weight gain sneaks up on you. One day, you think everything’s going just peachy, and the next day you bathroom scale’s saying you’ve gained 7 pounds. The changes to your body are that profound.

But, if you understand the effects of cigarettes on the body and mind, you can take real action to prevent weight gain. So here are quit smoking tips that you will find useful.

Smoking increases metabolism. Smoking causes you to burn around 100 or more extra calories per day. When you quit, these calories stick around. So, until your metabolism recovers, which can take a few weeks, watch your eating, and try to make sure you eat 100 calories fewer than you normally would. That’s not that much to cut out.

Cigarettes suppress appetite. Because smoking elevates your blood sugar, it also reduces your appetite. For the first few weeks after quitting, having a lower blood sugar level than your used to might cause you to crave food all the time. But be careful. As a rule, only eat when your stomach is growling. That’s when you know you’re really hungry, and not just having empty cravings.

Cigarettes stimulate dopamine. When you quit, you miss out on that regular dopamine fix. This might make you tempted to turn to other things, like sweets, greasy food, or alcohol, all of which do the dopamine thing.

Cigarettes occupy your hands and mouth. After quitting, you’ll get those little spells where you’re not quite sure what to do with your hands and your mouth. There are plenty of things you can do instead of eating. Drink water. Apply chapstick. Brush your teeth. Just don’t use food or anything else that could be unhealthy in excess.

Smoking dulls your senses of taste and smell. Starting a couple of weeks after you quit, you may find that food tastes unbelievably delicious. But instead of eating more, take the time to savor your food, and eat things that taste really good.

Smoking is an activity. Most smokers habitually pick up a cigarette when they don’t know what else to do. Now, to keep yourself busy, become active. Take up exercise. And not just one kind of exercise—do cardio, strength training, and flexibility training. If you exercise enough, no matter how long does it take to quit smoking, it won’t be hard to balance out your swings in metabolism and appetite.

© 2009 – 2010, Stop Smoking Tip. All rights reserved. No republishing allowed. If referencing, please provide link to this post.

Share/Bookmark Tags: free stop smoking hypnosis, how long does it take to quit smoking, how to help someone quit smoking, hypnosis to quit smoking, hypnotherapy, quit smoking tip, quit smoking tips, quit smoking without gaining weight, Smoking Cessation, Stop Smoking Hypnosis, Stop Smoking Now, stop smoking side effects, stop smoking tip, Stop Smoking Tips, stop smoking with hypnosis, what to expect when you quit smoking

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The Only Stop Smoking Tip You’ll Ever Need

Quit Smoking Now

If you’ve been looking for quit smoking tips online, you probably already know that the internet is both a blessing and a curse. It gives you access to everything from scientific data, to personal testimonials, and to more stop smoking tips than you could ever use. The problem is that it becomes too much. With so much information, so much advice, and so many different ideas about how to quit, it becomes hard to do anything at all. You freeze up, and you don’t know where to begin.

You probably have your own reason to quit smoking, and you know why to quit smoking is the right thing to do. But there are still too many unanswered questions in your head, like what are the best methods to stop smoking, what are stop smoking side effects, and what is the easiest quit smoking technique that you can use.

That’s why I’ve come up with a one-size-fits-all stop smoking tip, but you’ll have to bear with me while I explain. Here it is:

Understand that you always smoke for the same reason.

At first glance, this may seem just plain false. Most smokers habitually light up because of certain triggers, which you know as well as I do: boredom, finishing a meal, leaving work, driving, coffee, alcohol, stress, seeing others smoke—just about anything, really. You may have 20 or 30 different smoking triggers. So, how can I say that you always smoke for the same reason?

Here’s the thing: Triggers are not causes. If they were, quitting would be easy. You could just, say, avoid drinking alcohol, or walk instead of drive, or turn around and run whenever you see someone else smoking. But think about it. Why wouldn’t this work?

The answer is simple. It wouldn’t work because you’ll always find triggers. If you remove one trigger, the thing in your brain that causes your addiction will find a new one. This is what makes nicotine addiction so sinister, and it’s what so many people who give quit smoking tips don’t understand.

But with my stop smoking tip, you only need to do one thing. Whenever you feel a craving coming on, forget about the trigger. Instead, fight back where the craving lives—inside your brain.

I’ll try not to get too science-y here. When you crave, it’s because years of addiction have weakened your natural dopamine-production capability. Dopamine is the brain chemical that gives you that pleasurable feeling of reward. A shortage of it makes you feel empty inside, like life’s not worth living without cigarettes. In this situation, there are two paths you can take:

Do something else to naturally stimulate dopamine. Buy something. Earn money. Play a video game. Exercise. Take a hot bath. Watch sports. Eat sweet food. All of these activities stimulate dopamine. But keep changing it up; doing the same one over and over could just create a new addiction.Be strong. If you remember that all your cravings are caused by one thing, it’s easier to be strong. In the long run, you’ll be better off if you simply let cravings come and go. Invest all your strength in suffering through them. If you’re having trouble, try things like free stop smoking hypnosis, and remind yourself that this temporary pain will toughen you up.

If you don’t believe me that this is the only stop smoking tip you need, try it. Arm yourself with the knowledge that there is only one thing causing all your cravings, and develop a repeatable process to fight back each time.

© 2009 – 2010, Stop Smoking Tip. All rights reserved. No republishing allowed. If referencing, please provide link to this post.

Share/Bookmark Tags: easy way to quit smoking, free stop smoking hypnosis, hypnosis to quit smoking, methods to stop smoking, Quit Smoking, quit smoking technique, reason to quit smoking, Smoking Cessation, Stop Smoking, Stop Smoking Hypnosis, Stop Smoking Now, stop smoking side effects, stop smoking tip, Stop Smoking Tips, why to quit smoking

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The Best Way to Stop Smoking: Cold Turkey, with Help

Free Stop Smoking Hypnosis

Ask someone who has never smoked, and they’ll probably say the best way to stop smoking is just to stop. Just don’t buy cigarettes, don’t put one in your mouth, don’t light it up, and don’t smoke it. Simple, right?

That’s why we don’t ask lifelong non-smokers for quitting advice. Only those of us who’ve suffered the depths of nicotine withdrawal can possibly know how hard it is. There’s no easy way to quit smoking, and stopping cold turkey is one of the hardest ways of all.

That is, stopping cold turkey is one of the hardest ways to quit smoking without help. But when you have a partner, and when you use aids like smoking cessation hypnosis, going cold turkey is quick, simple, and more likely to stick. Assuming that you’ve already passed the “why quit smoking” phase and truly understand quit smoking benefits, start simply by saying “I want to quit smoking”.

Partners in Quitting

Technically, the person who helps you quit doesn’t have to be a smoker. They just have to be someone who can spend several days with you, and who can be equal parts supportive and strict. They need to be willing to put up with your irritability or bad moods, and need to have the toughness to stand firm during your moments of weakness.

But the best way to stop smoking is with another smoker who wants to quit. It’s important to trust each other, though. If one of you has a weaker desire to quit, it could end up sabotaging the whole thing. So make sure you both really, truly want to quit with every fiber of your being. If so, you’re in business.

Even better, if this person is your spouse, and if you live together, you’ll have an enormous chance of success.

Help Each Other Through It

To make this an easy way to quit smoking, there’s a few routes you can take, and they all involve taking time off work. As you probably know, work is full of smoking triggers, and it also pulls you away from your quitting partner. So if you have vacation time, use it. If not, you can always power through the work hours, and have your quitting partner keep close tabs during breaks and your commute.

One way to go is to barricade yourselves inside for 5-7 days. Get all the supplies you need, pile a bunch of furniture in front of the doors, and settle in for some long, hard days. Watch a lot of movies, catch up on creative projects, read books, do housework, practice smoking cessation hypnosis—anything to get your mind off the cravings and to avoid feeling sorry for yourself.

Another thing you can do is get far away from civilization. If you’re an outdoorsy person, plan a long camping trip with your quitting partner, and get as far out into the wilderness as you can before your cravings kick in. And stay away from high cliffs. I call it “quit smoking naturally” being closer to nature.

What happens when you stop smoking? Well, once you’re both in the throes of your cravings, that’s when the real work begins. Support each other, talk each other through it, and be the strong one when your partner is weak. If you don’t find this to be the best way to quit smoking, there’s a good chance that one of you just doesn’t want it badly enough.

© 2009 – 2010, Stop Smoking Tip. All rights reserved. No republishing allowed. If referencing, please provide link to this post.

Share/Bookmark Tags: best way to stop smoking, cold turkey, free stop smoking hypnosis, how to quit smoking, hypnosis to quit smoking, hypnotherapy, i want to quit smoking, Quit Smoking, quit smoking benefits, quit smoking naturally, Smoking Cessation, Stop Smoking Hypnosis, stop smoking hypnosis cd, Stop Smoking Now, stop smoking tip, Stop Smoking Tips, stop smoking with hypnosis, ways to stop smoking, what happens when you stop smoking, what to expect when you quit smoking, why quit smoking

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How to Quit Smoking: Get to Know Yourself

Best Way To Stop Smoking

If you’re reading this, the odds are good that you’re desperate to quit smoking. Maybe you feel like you’ve already tried everything there is, and maybe you’re so desperate that you’re in that weird phase where you spend hours a day scouring the internet for new ideas about ways to stop smoking. We’ve all been there, so don’t feel bad.

Of course, you probably already know that you’re not alone. The sheer number of websites on how to quit smoking is evidence that there are thousands, maybe millions of people going through the same torment as you.

The question is, why? What is it about smoking that makes it so hard to quit, and why do so many quitting methods fail for so many people? There’s obviously something wrong with this picture. What is the most efficient stop smoking plan, what are the best methods to quit smoking, what are the steps to quit smoking for good, where to find the best quit smoking advice? Millions of people who just want to know how to quit smoking aren’t getting the answers they need.

Treat the real problem, not the symptoms.

You’ve probably heard the cliché about addiction—that it’s really just a symptom of a larger illness. You usually hear about this with things like alcoholism or hard drug addiction, but it’s just as true for nicotine.

The fact is that there is a deep, personal reason why you smoke, and you’ll never figure out how to quit smoking until you get to the bottom of this reason. I’m not saying it’s some obvious psychological thing like an unhappy childhood or deep-seated dissatisfaction with the world—although those could have something to do with it. I’m just saying that the pattern of behavior behind your addiction is based on something deep inside you.

Whatever makes you smoke, it might not even be a negative thing. Like, maybe you’re an outgoing person, and maybe you smoke because you associate it with meeting people or having deep conversations. Or maybe you’re an artist, and you find that smoking helps stimulate your creative flow.

Figuring this out is the first and most important step. Spend a good amount of time thinking about it. If you stop smoking with hypnosis, meditate before and after your sessions. Talk to your loved ones about it. Even see a therapist, if you think it might help get you deeper into your mind. Self-analysis is hard stuff, so you could probably use the help.

“Okay, I know why I’m a smoker. Now what?”

Here’s something you may not want to hear: There is no magical cure for nicotine addiction. Every smoker is different, and every treatment option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. You have to choose what will work best with you, and stick with it.

No matter what you choose for how to stop smoking, the most important thing is to treat the real cause. If you’ve determined that your reason for smoking is something negative like a psychological problem or a personal weakness, work directly on that issue.

On the other hand, if your reason for smoking is something that’s not necessarily bad, focus on bringing out that good feature of yourself without relying on cigarettes. While some part of your mind will try to deny this, the fact is that you don’t need cigarettes to be the best version of yourself.

© 2009 – 2010, Stop Smoking Tip. All rights reserved. No republishing allowed. If referencing, please provide link to this post.

Share/Bookmark Tags: free stop smoking hypnosis, how to quit smoking, hypnosis to quit smoking, methods to quit smoking, Quit Smoking, quit smoking advice, Smoking Cessation, steps to quit smoking, Stop Smoking Hypnosis, Stop Smoking Now, stop smoking plan, Stop Smoking Tips, stop smoking with hypnosis, why to quit smoking

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Electric Cigarette: Will It Help You Quit Smoking?

"Green Smoke" E-Cigarettes

Recently we had a little debate about E-Cigarettes (which stands for “Electronic Cigarettes” or “Electric Cigarettes” depending on whom you ask). Shall we endorse e-cigarettes as a stop smoking aid? Does it really help to reduce nicotine addiction? Can it assist in quitting smoking if you are using other stop smoking methods and using electric cigarette to slowly reduce your dependency on nicotine?

Two Perspectives on E-Cigarettes.

When Cynthia and Josh wrote two electronic cigarette reviews, they offered slightly different perspectives on the subject. You can read their opinions about these smokeless cigarettes by clicking on the articles below, so I don’t want to repeat the points that they are making.
But I would like to highlight the common conclusions that we all have agreed upon:

Electric cigarette is definitely a lesser evil than regular cigarettes;E-Cigarette could be 80% cheaper than regular tobacco cigarettes.Although not officially approved as as a quit smoking aid, by gradually reducing nicotine level to ultra-light and nicotine-free formulas, electronic cig could be part of a smoking cessation plan.Psychologically speaking, e-cigarette could be a better alternative to other nicotine stop smoking products.

What Brand of Electric Cigarette To Choose

E-Cigarettes as stop smoking aids? "Green Smoke" Electric Cigarette

Among hundreds of electronic cigarette companies that are currently pitching their e-cigarettes to the public there are not so many that you can trust. Some fake electronic cigarettes over-deliver nicotine and contain substances that are not safe.

The brand that we recommend is “Green Smoke”, which is a reliable product for you to try. You can check their offers by clicking on the banners.

Whatever you choose for your smoking cessation program, we would like you to be informed about all the the available options for you to consider.


Electric Cigarette - Free TrialIn case you haven’t heard of e-cigarettes, they’re these ingenious little battery-operated devices that allow you to “smoke” without actually smoking. In place of traditional tobacco, e-cigarettes use a nicotine solution made of propylene glycol or glycerin, both perfectly harmless substances that happen to contain nicotine.

Without fire or smoke, the substance is vaporized and drawn into your lungs, giving a sensation that is very similar to that of actually smoking. There’s no tar, no yellow teeth, no bad breath, no bad smell, and there are far fewer harmful chemicals and toxins.

Advantages of E-Cigarettes

Here are some of the reasons to try e-cigarettes…

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Electronic Cigarettes - Free TrialFor as long as we’ve known about the harmful effects of cigarettes, smokers have dreamed of the possibility of a safe and clean type of cigarette without the carcinogenic effects, the noxious smoke, or the lingering odor. But we knew that this was just an unrealistic fantasy. After all, without these negative things, smoking wouldn’t be smoking.

But what if the best way to quit smoking were to keep using cigarettes, but without the smoke? Is this possible, or just a fairy tale?

Electronic Cigarettes

Thanks to the magic fairy dust of technology, we now have e-cigarettes. In case you’re not familiar with them, e-cigarettes…

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© 2010, Stop Smoking Tip. All rights reserved. No republishing allowed. If referencing, please provide link to this post.


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Saturday, September 25, 2010

How I Stopped Smoking With Hypnosis: Now Get The Same Full Length Hypnosis Session Free

Stop Smoking With HypnosisIf you are reading this post, you are probably one of many people for whom question ‘how to quit smoking’ has not been answered yet. I used to be in your shoes, and as a former chain smoker I know what you are going through.  You know that stopping smoking is very easy…you’ve been probably doing it 20 times a day.

When I made the conscious decision to quit smoking I realized that physical addiction to nicotine is just one part of the equation. Mental dependence on the whole ritual of smoking is much harder to overcome.

I don’t want to bore you with all the gory  details of my struggle, but after being on quit smoking products like nicotine patches and gum for over a year with mixed results I stumbled upon something that helped me kick the habit for good. You probably heard of stop smoking hypnosis as a way that helped many celebrities, such as Samuel Jackson, Ellen Degeneres, Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore and Ben Affleck among others, to quit smoking. Being skeptical and desperate at the same time, I decided to give it a try. Instead of fighting nicotine addiction with other nicotine products, why don’t I try natural stop smoking aids and quit smoking hypnotherapy?

So I listened at least 10 times to the very same full length Stop Smoking Hypnosis Sessions, performed by certified stop smoking hypnotherapists Jesse Berg and Steven B. Schneider, that we now offer you for free. And here I am – smoke free for the last 11 months.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis SessionWhen we acquired distribution rights for this Stop Smoking Hypnosis CD, we were thinking of ways to make it available to everybody. We also wanted people who really need it to use it without spending a penny. A friend of mine suggested a compromise that allows you to access these full length Free Quit Smoking Hypnosis sessions after completing one short survey of your choice, which unlocks content for 48 hours. I understand that for some even this is a burden, but I believe it’s a win-win situation because it strengthens your commitment to Stop Smoking For Good.

Before you dive into this, I need to warn you that your commitment to quitting smoking is required. Of course, you can casually check out this hypnosis for smoking cessation to see if it’s right for you, but to get the real benefit You Must Want to Stop Smoking. Period.

Please read all the useful stop smoking tips and advice on this site. They will help you define your quit smoking plan, find answers to your questions regarding different stop smoking methods, and demystify stop smoking hypnosis for you.

I hope you’ll have the same results as I experienced after several stop smoking hypnosis sessions.  Hypnosis to quit smoking works, so please give it a try. It’s free and the only thing to lose is this nasty habit. Start Your Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Now!!!

To Your Success!!!

© 2009 – 2010, Stop Smoking Tip. All rights reserved. No republishing allowed. If referencing, please provide link to this post.

Share/Bookmark Tags: best way to stop smoking, celebrity, Easiest way to quit smoking, easy way to quit smoking, free help quit smoking, free quit smoking hypnosis, how long does it take to quit smoking, how to help someone quit smoking, how to quit smoking, hypnosis, hypnosis for smoking, hypnosis for smoking cessation, hypnosis to quit smoking, hypnosis to stop smoking, hypnotherapy, hypnotist, i quit smoking, i want to quit smoking, methods to quit smoking, natural stop smoking, Quit Smoking, quit smoking advice, quit smoking benefits, quit smoking by hypnosis, quit smoking hypnosis mp3, quit smoking hypnotherapy, quit smoking naturally, quit smoking products, quit smoking tip, quit smoking with hypnosis, quit smoking with hypnotherapy, self hypnosis stop smoking, smoking, Smoking Cessation, steps to quit smoking, Stop Smoking, Stop Smoking Hypnosis, stop smoking hypnosis cd, stop smoking hypnosis mp3, stop smoking hypnotherapist, stop smoking hypnotherapy, Stop Smoking Now, stop smoking plan, stop smoking through hypnosis, Stop Smoking Tips, stopping smoking, what to expect when you quit smoking

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Want to Stop Smoking Without Gaining Weight? Start Cooking

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